Youth center "Don Bosko" was founded in 1998. in Podgorica. It is very well known for its preventive way of work. It is open to all children and young people aged 7 - 18, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation. Most of our participants are coming from socially vulnerable families and we give them a chance to acquire knowledge and skills through non-formal education in their free time. Here they can learn, make new friendships, develop healthy habits and grow into mature and responsible people, who will become active citizens in the local community.
We realize that through activities by which we try to provide children with free and unhindered development, giving them the opportunity to realize the potential that they have inside themselves, but not forgetting their nature and spontaneity. Children and young adults get together in the youth center, and with help of older and more experienced animators - volunteers, they participate in performing the activities of the oratorio, sports - recreational and cultural - entertaining activities, as well as performing working - environmental actions and camps. By socializing (interacting) with their peers, young people learn to be creative, to express themselves and their potential. They adopt certain knowledge and skills, recognizing in that the possibility of enriching and developing their own personality. The center offers excellent space and technical resources - halls for football, basketball, stone games, a corner for animators, a hall for concerts. All activities are run by animators - volunteers, young people who used to participate in the activities of the center, and they still regularly improve themselves in meetings, training courses, youth exchanges.
For more details, please visit their website.
We realize that through activities by which we try to provide children with free and unhindered development, giving them the opportunity to realize the potential that they have inside themselves, but not forgetting their nature and spontaneity. Children and young adults get together in the youth center, and with help of older and more experienced animators - volunteers, they participate in performing the activities of the oratorio, sports - recreational and cultural - entertaining activities, as well as performing working - environmental actions and camps. By socializing (interacting) with their peers, young people learn to be creative, to express themselves and their potential. They adopt certain knowledge and skills, recognizing in that the possibility of enriching and developing their own personality. The center offers excellent space and technical resources - halls for football, basketball, stone games, a corner for animators, a hall for concerts. All activities are run by animators - volunteers, young people who used to participate in the activities of the center, and they still regularly improve themselves in meetings, training courses, youth exchanges.
For more details, please visit their website.
Any questions?
Please write to Jela Radovic at [email protected]